Saturday, August 4, 2007

Welcome Everybody!

Hey guys...welcome to my blog! My name is Joe Conte and I am the creator, host, director, and editor of "The Sports Buzz", one of the hottest shows on TV today. Not familiar with the Buzz? Then check out the MySpace page of the Buzz at where you will find video clips of the show. As always we are looking for story ideas, and if you ever wanted to try you hand at being a TV reporter, let me know and we can work something out. I'm always looking for new talent!

So what is this blog going to be about? I don't know! I guess whatever hits me will end up on here. I'll give my own personal views on sports, as well as updates on the TV show. It may be daily, it may just be weekly...but if I have something to say, it will appear here. Thank you.

1 comment:

THE BRYGUY said...

wow! This could be the greatest blog ever!